Monday, November 3, 2014

"It's not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters."

We got our family pictures back! Hip hip hooray! I love them so much! Lexi did my wedding as well so we all know how I feel about her and her work. ;) but seriously.. go check her out.
So as I got these family pictures back it made me feel really grateful for my family. For my big extended family, for my immediate family, for  my family in laws (is that a word??) and for my family with nay. I came across this quote that I thought was very eye opening. If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph.
 I love my family. All of them.
 I love Nathan. All of him.

Now I know that we haven’t even been married 5 months yet. I also know that we’ve had to overcome things and we will continue to have to overcome things. But here is some advice from a newlywed.
1.      1.  Know your spouse.
I say this one because there is so much advice on marriage out there but you need to figure out what works for you as a couple. A lot of people think it’s healthy to go to sleep after an argument so that you both can calm down and realize that maybe it isn’t that big of a deal. Now… Nathan won’t let us do this because he knows me. He knows that I am upset until we talk about it. Even if I won’t start the conversation (which is usually the case:/). And also I could care less about the thing we argued about but if it’s not resolved I will be upset until it is… even if I can’t even remember what the actual argument is about. I have to know there is no contention between Nay and I.
2.     2.   Always say I Love You.
Most couples have heard this before but it is seriously so important. It’s so important for them to know that you love them.. ALL OF THE TIME. Love is not a thing or a word that should be taken lightly. So when you feel it you should say it.. lots J never let them question your love. No matter how bugged/frustrated/upset you are.
3.    3.    Put them first.
My institute teacher, Brother Anderson always told us the number one cause of divorce was selfishness. All of the sudden it becomes about YOU. and how your spouse doesn’t do anything nice for YOU. or how YOU are always doing the work. I believe this with my whole heart. If you always put your spouse before yourself you won’t have this problem. Let them know they are your priority.
4.   4.     Remember and Keep your temple covenants. This is a very personal one for me and I truly believe in it.
There are plenty more I’m sure! And remember.. No one is perfect and everyone has their own battles. I’m not an expert in anyway, just a very grateful, lucky wife. <3


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